New React Native E-Commerce app template available with SpiroKit!

New React Native E-Commerce app template available with SpiroKit!

For the last few weeks, I've been working on this massive e-commerce React Native app template. E-commerce app template

It includes 18 fully functional screens, including:

Onboarding, Sign in, Sign up flow Onboarding, Sign in, Sign up flow Home screen with carousels to display different products Home screen with carousels to display different products Search screen with filter functionality Search screen with filter functionality Detail screen with color and size selector, Profile screen, and Favorites screen Detail screen with color and size selector, Profile screen, and Favorites screen Checkout flow, including payment action sheet and 2 additional screens to add payment methods and delivery addresses. Checkout flow, including payment action sheet and 2 additional screens to add payment methods and delivery addresses

Besides, every single screen was adapted for light mode too: E-commerce template also available in light mode

This template is full of new reusable components that will be added later in SpiroKit, but you can start using them today.

As with the previous Travel App template, you can try this new template by running the following command:

expo init my-ecommerce-app --template @spirokit/ecommerce-app-template-typescript

Here's the repo in case you want to take a look at the code.

If you have any questions about it, don't hesitate to reach out at or send my a DM on Twitter

Happy coding!