SpiroKit for React Native 1.0.5 released + Demo Mobile App available in the stores

SpiroKit for React Native 1.0.5 released + Demo Mobile App available in the stores

I'm excited to announce that I've been working on a demo app for Android & iOS to showcase the component library, and the app is available in the App Store & Play Store

app demo banner

I also uploaded a new version of the SpiroKit package that includes new props to further customize components and a lot of new docs examples to copy/paste.

Bug Fixing and improvements

  • We added a complete documentation for the Action Sheet component in the Storybook portal.
  • Alert component & Select component
    • Now you can use the prop "_modal" to pass props to the internal modal used for both components.
    • Documentation in Storybook was updated to include this new prop.
  • Badge component
    • We added three new props to allow further customizations: backgroundColor, textColor, and borderColor.
    • Documentation in Storybook was updated with an example using these new props.
  • Button component
    • Documentation in Storybook was updated to include an example of a button with a custom background color.
  • Modal component
    • Storybook docs updated to fix issues with the examples.
  • Keyboard Avoiding View component
    • Storybook documentation was added with an example of how to wrap a screen to avoid issues with the keyboard.

If you have any questions about it, don't hesitate to reach out at or send my a DM on Twitter twitter.com/mauro_codes

Happy coding